Chicago, IL - Substantial Heat Sun Load of Smoke Shop in Downtown Chicago

Three different views of a smoke shop in the Fulton Market neighborhood of the West Loop in downtown Chicago. The store front has large windows on the western exposure side of the building. A common outcome in the summertime is an overwhelming amount of solar heat load from the large windows. The permanent, primary AC system cannot keep up with the additional solar heat load from the windows. To compound the problem, in addition to the window solar load, the doors are constantly opening and closing. Keeping establishments cool with the main air conditioning system can be a problem. Porta-Air can help with any of your climate control issues by offering temporary cooling rentals to overcome the force of mother nature. Rent AC today!

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Chicago, IL - Water Cooled Portable Installation in the Bridgeport Neighborhood

When the building AC failed prior to the board meeting on the southside of Chicago in Cook County, IL, we were requested to provide emergency AC service quickly. We immediately loaded the truck and were out the door in a flash. When we arrived, we unexpectedly were faced with having to cut a couple of holes in the wall for unit water hose penetration to reach the flared water connections on the air conditioning rental unit. The customer was delighted on our speedy delivery and hookup. We thrive on service excellence. Air conditioners for rent, 24/7.

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Cary, IL - CNC Emergency Cooling in Cary

When the main RTU cooling system failed on the roof in a CNC shop in Cary, IL the CNC machine was not as precise, resulting in part rejection. When Porta-Air received the call, we rushed to the site to spec out the proper utilities for our cooling rental options. We proposed two 5-ton water cooled units since power and water were available in the areas where they were having cooling problems. Upon verbal customer approval of our proposed cooling solution, we were onsite within 1 hour and ½ hour later the portables were up and running. The customer was impressed by our quick response to his service request. Mobile AC rentals come in air cooled equipment as well but there was no place to vent the hot air from the air-cooled rental.

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Bourbonnais, IL - Dehumidification Rental - Unacceptable Humidity Levels in Surgery Rooms

Porta-Air received a Sunday emergency call from a facility manager requesting 3 dehumidifier rentals for surgery rooms where humidity levels were not within acceptable surgery climate control conditions. When we arrived at the shop to load the equipment, we converted brand new dehumidifiers to rental units. Even though the units were wrapped nicely in a box, we took the extra effort and wiped down all three units with high concentrate desensitizer. Once the rental dehu’s were installed, the humidity levels came down to within the specifications to perform patient surgery the next day.

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Bloomingdale, IL - Practice Area for Cheerleaders in Bloomingdale

During a hot stretch of weather in the suburbs of Chicago, Porta-Air installed a few portable water-cooled rental units in a cheerleader workout suite of a mall. Air Cooled portable rentals were immediately ruled out since window and door access was limited. Power and water were also a challenge, since both were limited, and these two items limited the number and size of the water-cooled rental units to be installed. The smaller units installed removed the humidity nicely making it more comfortable during the hot weather spell. Call Porta-Air for your free spec-out.

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Barrington, IL - Office Pro 36 Installation for Event at Barn in Barrington

Prior to the event in Barrington IL, located in Lake County, IL, Porta-Air installed a Movincool 208/230V, single phase AC rental unit inside a barn on the ground level floor. The portable unit cooling was used to keep flowers cool and fresh prior to the show presentation. Spot cooling rental equipment is used in many different applications. We can help sort out your concerns to meet your cooling requirements with a free onsite consultation. Feel free to give us a call 24/7 to rent air conditioners today.

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